Welcome to ZHANG Lab @ The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST)

The Chemical Biology & Epigenetics Lab @ HKUST, Clear Water Bay, Hong Kong.

Our lab is a Chemical Biology & Epigenetics Lab located in Division of Life Science and in Department of Chemistry, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST).

Zhang lab works on multiple areas in genetics and molecular biology, including (1) Quantitative base-resolution sequencing of messenger RNA (mRNA) modifications; (2) Reversible RNA methylation in gene expression regulation; (3) RNA-based therapeutics and RNA delivery; (4) Functional investigation of diverse RNA modifications in mRNA, chromosome-associated RNA (caRNA), non-coding RNA, mitochondrial RNA, RNA virus, etc.; (5) Single-cell sequencing technology and bioinformatics; (6) Nanopore sequencing technology and bioinformatics; (7) Computational approaches of bioinformatics in deciphering the epitranscriptome; (8) Artificial intelligence in decoding epigenetic data.

Zhang lab aims to promote in-depth research with expertise in chemical biology, chemistry, genomics, genetics, RNA biology, cell biology, RNA biochemistry, nucleic acid chemistry, protein engineering, mass spectrometry, next-generation sequencing, bioinformatics, and machine learning to address fundamental questions related to gene expression regulation in diverse biological processes. 

Lab Directions (CEBBA):

Chemical biology




Artificial intelligence

Principle Investigator:

Prof. Li-Sheng ZHANG

Division of Life Science, HKUST

Department of Chemistry, HKUST

Email: zhangls@ust.hk